Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Well it has been a while since I posted. I was looking through some old papers and found one of the blogs I had posted and printed. Therefore, I decided to add a new posting. I have been teaching 7 th grade geography and I am loving it. I always thought I would teach American History or state history, but at the moment I am happy teaching geography. It has been a challenge to create fun lessons that also address the multiple intelligences of students. It has also been a challenge to learn about the new school and the extra things required of a teacher other than lessons and teaching. I still love getting up and going to school, I am happy. It is not easy by any means. I already have students who hate, love, and don't care about my class or me. I am not giving up on those who hate my class. My goal is to find activities to make geography relevant, interesting, thought provoking and sometime fun, so that I reach those who come in to my classroom thinking "I hate social studies."