Tuesday, June 05, 2007

One Year Complete!

Well I have gotten one under my belt, and I survived. I still love teaching! I am even liking Geography more and more. I liked it before, but... I am continuing to try to find new and fun ways to engage students in their own learning process. I love seeing the students discover something without me telling them. I love to see them learn. lol

I wrote my first grant this year, through the local community and was given it. Sooo excited! I only teach a semester class, so I never have time to go into depth about different countries and the people who live there. I am lucky if I get basics covered and then North America covered. The grant idea is based on culture and how the world is shrinking. It is meant to help students realize what culture is, how it shapes society, and how stereotypes and racism can grow. This is I feel important to a ever growing global society. I can't wait to get the materials I ask for and get planning. I will designate Fridays and Culture days, on those days we will learn and about culture and conduct culture studies.

I was sad the last day of school, I am told I will get over that, and that every year gets easier, but we will see. I am finding there are always new horizons to cross, and that the possibilities are endless, if I look for them. If you have suggestions of great geography lesson please feel free to share them with me.

Time to do some homework, lol.