Tuesday, February 08, 2005

CM 5 Case Study 4

This teacher has a lot of problems. Mr. Case needs to get organized. He should have had his day mapped out precisely so he new what was going to need to be addressed. By doing this he would be able to transition from one activity to another smoothly. This would also help him to stay on track, so that there are less times of confusion for himself as well as for his students. When the new student was introduced he should have directed the students to be working on something while he dealt with the things necessary to go over with a new student. Or he should have welcomed the student had him sit down and you continue with the activity and deal with the administrative things at the end of he hour. Mr. Case also demonstrates three problems in his teaching. He left topics dangling not concluding activities, he flip-flopped back to a finished activity to add new information, and he thrust in information at bad times which interrupted the students work. He should have planned better so that these problems would not have occurred.

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